Zodiac Pivot Patterns of the Z340
Patterns and Pivots almost say “I mean January” in Spanish and along with the dots at the end of the patterns indicate they are 8 characters long not 7 and indicate a letter J not a backward “L”. More three sections in the 340 as well, with more of the number 8 hidden in the 340.
If you look at the “pivots” or patterns in the 340 cipher I wanted to point out that in my opinion those are intentional “Js” not backward “L’s”. Here is why, if you look at the patterns as laid out in “Lets Crack Zodiac” Episode 9 (Reference at the bottom) you can see that there are some mysterious patterns that look like backward L’s.
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Here is the translated text of these patterns:

So, translated we have OSEA and ENEO
OSEA in Spanish is “I mean”

I just thought it was interesting that together it almost seems like it can mean “I mean January”
Moving on………
I have been intrigued that the patterns are 7 symbols each not 8 as I believed that the number 8 means something special to the Zodiac.
I noticed that there is though a large dot at the end of each pattern, which turns out to be a “V”. If these are part of the patterns that makes the number of letters in each pattern 8.

If this were intentional the shape of this is a “J” not an L. Further adding to this idea that these are “J’s” is the Exorcist letter and the strange symbol at the end I have always thought that the symbol somewhat indicates a J.

In this same video we see a few more interesting things in regards to the letters J and V.
Mr Oranchak goes on to observe that some of the cipher was repeating but not much and not nearly as much as in the Z408.
At time 10:54 you can see the following:

Notice that the J and both the regular “V” and upside down “V” appear at regular intervals or rather he is cycling through the key as he did but he (as I can gather from the video) is only doing it with these symbols.
Once again intersting things happening with the “J” and “V” letters.
The patterns listed above seem to be connected by three dots two of which are “V’s” one of the dots is an error once you transcribe it to plaintext.

I believe it is this “V” in the word “work” if I am not mistaken:

Intriguing that we find the upside down “V” in both the Excorcist letter and the cycled encoding technique in the 340.
Also of interest in regards to the number 8 is:
In the same video we see that some symbols do not appear in the middle section of the 340 in the middle 8 lines.

What is also intriguing is that some symbols do not appear in the untransposed version of the 340 and it is also the middle 8 lines that do not have some symbols as well:

The number 3
I have noticed that both the Z408 and the 340 are cut into three sections. Interestingly the 340 seems to have a “hidden” three section when taking the absence of the symbols into account and then yet another 3 sections when untransposed.
Joseph Paul Franklin
I believe these were all intentional and that the number 8 plays a significant part of Zodiacs thinking when making these ciphers and hiding key material with some numbers.
Years later, when Franklin was in jail in the 90s I believe he was to meet with someone to confess to a crime in Ohio, he wanted to meet on the 63rd day of the year I think it was because of the number 3. I don’t know what the significance of the number 63 had to do with the number 3 but was intrigued that the woman interviewing him had 13 letters in her name, another one of his favorite numbers. He revealed he wanted to tell her more and asked if she was a witch because if she was a witch he could tell her more things, he also asked for her astrological sign before meeting as well. He was obsessed with numbers, as well as the number 8 and 18.
Perhaps he was intrigued by the number 63, because it can contain 3 number 3's…two threes within the six, and one three to make 63? Multiples of favorite numbers is something people with an obsession with numbers do. Just a thought.
Episode 9 of Lets Crack Zodiac: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ByMe8D9sxo4&t=655s