Zodiac Killer Description
As I have been writing for quite some time that everything I have seen and investigated has led me to believe that the Zodiac Killer is Joseph Paul Franklin, I want to elaborate on this to point out a few descriptions from some of the witnesses:
One witness Micheal Mageau from the website zodiackillerfacts.com:
No one saw the shooter on Lake Herman Road so no description exists. Michael Mageau described the suspect at the Blue Rock Springs Park shooting as a “WMA, short, possible 5’8”, was real heavy set, beefy build… not blubbery fat, but real beefy, possibly 195 to 200 [lbs] or maybe even larger… short curly hair, light brown almost blond… with a large face.”
Source: https://zodiackillerfacts.com/zodiac-unsub/unsub-the-eyewitness-descriptions/
Also in this same article he is described by some girls who noticed a suspicious man at Lake Berryessa with “thin lips”.

As you can see Franklin had thin lips as well as a large face. He does talk with a drawl as described by one of the victims of the Zodiac Brain Hartnell. Hartnell also described someone with brown hair.
A slight forward slope was described by one of the officers who saw him after the Paul Stine shooting. Franklin in some videos has somewhat of a forward slope to his walk, at least according to one video in which he is seen with handcuffs on.
Please keep in mind that his name does fit the 13 character cipher the Zodiac sent on April 20 of 1970. Franklin was born James Vaughn Jr which is 13 characters much like the name cipher sent in April of 1970.
As a note on the Zodiac appearance, according to the same article noted above, the Zodiac mentioned at one point that he did not look like the descriptions given when he was committing his crimes. He used disguises, and Franklin was also known to have used disguises as well. Both concealed the way they truly looked which makes the physical descriptions very difficult to know how accurate they are.