Z340 Non Repeating Symbols
What is everyones thoughts on the non repeating symbols that occur in the Z340? This picture was taken from the paper published by Dave Oranchak:
Ref: https://arxiv.org/html/2403.17350v1

I believe there is definitely intentional motives there. What are everyone’s thoughts?
My belief: Notice how the lines with repeating symbols and without repeating symbols happen in what appears to be intervals of three lines, one lines, there is some symmetry involved and I believe he (Zodiac) meant to be as symetrical as possible. Notice the number of lines is three. Keep in mind the number three keeps appearing in both the 408 and 340. 408 was sent in three parts, the 340 is broken into three parts as well or segments. There is a definite order and structure that has to do with the number 3, as well as having the number 8 appear in prominent places. Example, the 340 starts and ends with symbol “H” and ends with a cross that decrypts to “H”. This is extreme OCD. My belief is that only someone obsessed with numbers would do such a thing. This behavior is not something the Zodiac meant at one point for someone to “figure out”. Much like his costume at Lake Berryessa some behaviors were only meant for him and him alone. The number three where you see this organized in such a way is another example of having to organize the 340 in such a way that only he would understand.
Did any of the suspects have such extreme OCD?
Other thoughts: I don’t think that someone who is on such a level would be from Vallejo or any of the cities. No way someone with this careful of thinking would be from Vallejo I don’t think Zodiac is from California at all for that matter. If you go to the extent of hiding fingerprints, altered handwriting, and other means of hiding forensic information why would you kill much less call from a payphone where you could be recognized by people in your hometown?
As an example when he directs authorities at Blue Rock Springs if he was from Vallejo why didn’t he just say Blue Rock Springs? He doesn’t, but he says a public park, go one mile east on Columbus Parkway. “”I want to report a murder. If you will go one mile east on Columbus Parkway you will find kids in a brown car. They were shot with a nine millimeter Luger. I also killed those kids last year. Goodbye.” Just my thoughts though.