Playing With Cipher Explorer and the Z340
I wanted to share something that I created lately with a tool called Cipher Explorer.
I see some symmetry in the Zodiacs Z340 cipher and wanted to share this observation with everyone.

Here is another one I made:

Notice in the above how the initials for the Zodiac spelled with a “K” which you can almost make out on the last line appear on the same line that the circle and crosshairs appear in there.
The “O” is dead center where the circle and crosshairs would go as well.
The Z340 has some symmetry to it. Notice also the “FK” in both the upper right hand on the 2nd line and the 2nd to last line there.
The strange patterns the I (Circle filled in) “F” I think relates to the symbol on the Halloween Card.

The circle next to the “F” translates to a “V” then the “F” stays an “F” when decrypted.
The symbol used on the Halloween Card also can be interpreted as a “V” then an “F”.
What do you all think?
Thanks for reading!