Intriguing Finds on Zodiac 148 Character Cipher vs Z340
A while ago I noticed that one character on a possible Zodiac Killer communication which is the Z148 was mailed in 1971 and according to below is the most likely decryption of it.

Now, in the above 148 character cipher notice the cross.
The cross was also used in the Z340 which was only decrypted a few years ago. The cross was important to the Zodaic Killer because the numerical value is 8 and as I believe that the Zodiac Killer was Joseph Paul Franklin there is some symbolism used by the Zodiac Killer and the number 8 as it was significant to him.
Below is the “key” to the Z340 cipher as taken from the Wolfram website

Notice the “H” in the above and how it is encrypted with a symbol for a cross:

What do you all think? Please follow and comment all interesting comments are appreciated.
Wolfram Alpha:
Zodiac Ciphers: