Probability Indicates that the patterns in Z340 are IntentionalI encourage others to use the new AI tools and ask yourself, maybe I asked the question in the wrong way, but it looks like those patterns…4d ago4d ago
More on the Pivot Patterns Backward L/J’s = JV In the Z340 Zodiac KillerPivot patterns were intentional and indicate the initials “JV” were important to the Zodiac Killer among more examples of the number 8 and…Jan 26Jan 26
The Number 3 and……again more 8. Please Rush to Reddit!!Previously I have mentioned the importance of numbers to the Zodiac Killer and it is my belief that he did have a pretty bad case of…Jan 20Jan 20
Size 10.5 and Mysterious Phone Call From Pay Phone and No confession From Prison to Being ZodiacI finished reading “Blood in the Soil” about the shooting of Larry Flynt down in Georgia on March 6, 1978.Jan 12Jan 12
Interpretation of the Halloween Card Symbol As a Clue to the Pivot Patterns in the Z340I believe that the symbol on the Halloween Card is a clue to the pivot patterns found on the Z340. The pivot patterns are also a clue as to…Dec 20, 20242Dec 20, 20242
My Take on the Exorcist Symbols From Zodiac Excorcist Letter and Cycled Letters From the 340Lets break down what they could mean, first breaking down what they generally look like.Nov 19, 20241Nov 19, 20241
Z340 Non Repeating SymbolsWhat is everyones thoughts on the non repeating symbols that occur in the Z340? This picture was taken from the paper published by Dave…Nov 15, 20241Nov 15, 20241
Was the Zodiac Killer Ever Caught? Well he may have been in Chattanooga as number 33Below is a set of documents from the FBI files on the Zodiac Killer ( highlighted in numbers on the side of the Reddit Forum) in which the…Nov 9, 2024Nov 9, 2024
Using Chat GPT to Anagram “Chronicl” from Zodiac Nov 8 LetterI thought it would be a good excersise to see what words come out of a circled set of letters on a November 8th, 1969 letter from the…Nov 8, 2024Nov 8, 2024